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A privacy-friendly Twitter frontend for mobile devices.
Fritter is an open source frontend for Twitter, focusing on giving you the best experience and keeping your data private, local and in your hands.



No tracking, with all data local
Follow and group accounts
Save tweets locally and offline
View results without needing to vote
See what's trending in the world
Find users and tweets
Light and Dark themes
Protect your eyes
More coming!
Follow our GitHub repository


Fritter will never track your actions in the app, or send your personal data to a third-party. All your data (subscriptions, groups, tweets and settings) are stored locally, on your device, and no Twitter account is required to use any feature.

No account required
No special permissions
No tracking
All your data is stored locally

See our privacy policy for more details.



If you'd like to help make Fritter even better, here are a just a few of the ways you can help!

Report a bug

If you've found a bug in Fritter, open a new issue on the GitHub repository, but please make sure to check that someone else hasn't reported it first.

Request a feature

If you feel like something is missing from Fritter, feel free to open an issue about it, detailing exactly what you're looking for. We'll look it over, discuss it with the community, and see if it'll work!

Fix a bug

If you're looking for something to dip your toes into the codebase, check if there are any issues labelled good first issue. Otherwise, if you see another issue you'd like to tackle, go for it - just fork the repository, push to a branch, and create a PR detailing your changes. We'll review it and merge it in, once it meets all our checks and balances!


Fritter uses Weblate for translations. You can help by translating the app into your preferred language(s)!